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Prospective Students & Families


PS198 is a zoned community school (Pre-K – 5th grade) in District 2, located on the Upper East Side in Manhattan.


To check if you live in our Zone, please visit:


Learn more about life at P.S. 198 by viewing our video tour here.


If you’re thinking about enrolling your child in PS198M, we welcome you to take a tour.


We have upcoming tours scheduled below. Each tour will be followed by a brief, optional info session geared specifically toward prospective Pre-K (2020 birth year) and Kindergarten (2019 birth year) families. Tours are adults only and RSVP is required. 


Please click a date below to sign up for an upcoming tour date: 

Due to limited space, please only sign up for ONE tour on the date that works best for you.  


Questions?  Did you miss our tours? Send an email to Raychel Manko Baldeon, our parent coordinator, at


We look forward to meeting you!

General Education

PS 198 is committed to preparing every child to become a compassionate and responsible member of our community. We believe that personal and academic excellence results from opportunities that foster collaboration, creativity, and self-reflection. Our students are valued as diverse individuals, each with their own unique interests, experiences, and educational needs. Together with our families, we set high expectations for all students, and model what our children need to do to develop their self-esteem, sustain healthy friendships, and achieve academic success. Across all classrooms, teachers engage students with challenging content, aligned to state standards. Our school is a joyful place in which children feel connected to the community, which includes other children, their families, and staff.


Learn more about our Mission & Philosophy >>

Learn more about our Curriculum and Academics >>


Pre-K at PS 198

We currently offer three, full day (6 hour, 20 minutes) Pre-K classes. For enrollment information, please visit The NYCDOE’s Pre-K for All homepage is where you can access the full Pre-K directory. Please do not call or email the school directly. Pre-K is a lottery based program and families must register through the DOE, not with the school.


To learn more about any of the programs at our school, please join us for a tour. See below for our tour schedule.

Gifted and Talented (G&T) Program

PS 198 also offers a Gifted and Talented (G&T) class on every grade level (K-5th). Students must take the citywide G&T exam, and be offered a seat at our school for this program. For more information regarding the G&T exam, prospective families should visit the admissions page:


G&T placement offers are made in the spring, and families will be contacted by the school in the order listed on the centrally generated waiting list. Please note, we do not have the ability to change a child’s spot on the waiting list.


Our Gifted and Talented program values developmentally appropriate activities and employs the use of the same curriculum as other classrooms. Where these classrooms differ is in the pace in which the teacher is often able to move through the content. This provides more time for our G&T students to participate in activities that go deeper into the curriculum, and encourage them to further develop their content understanding, academic language and communication skills. Teachers like to bring the curriculum to life by creating social action projects, or by finding opportunities for real life applications of mathematical thinking.


For more information, view an overview of the G&T Program at PS198.

Special Education

PS 198 values diversity and considers traditional beliefs around disability outdated. We embrace different-abilities across all of our classrooms and integrate special education students with their general education peers wherever possible. PS 198 provides Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classes at every grade level. This is currently the accepted and widely used model for inclusive education in the New York City Department of Education. ICT classrooms follow the same general education curriculum and standards as other classes on the grade, but offer the expertise of two classroom teachers, one of whom has earned a special education certification.  Learn more about Integrated Co-Teaching at PS198 and how it fits with our Mission & Philosophy >>

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